The Student Success Institute is based on the premise that a key role of educators in higher education is that of a "mentor" -- fostering the growth and development of cognitive, social, and affective skills. Success is referred to not simply in terms of academic success but rather in terms of a broad set of those skills required for success beyond college.

Process Education

An educational philosophy called Process Education fully encompasses the concept of mentoring and aims to develop individuals into self-growers—those with such strong self-assessment skills that they are able to continually improve performance and mentor their own growth.


Process Education includes elements of all of the following: active learning, student-centered learning, mentoring, assessment, use of technology and the learning paradigm. During the institute, participants will be introduced to a variety of tools which support the philosophy of Process Education and lead to a quality first-year course. Some of these tools are as follows.

Student Learning Tools

  • life vision portfolio

  • self-growth paper

  • learning assessment journal

  • methodologies

  • levels of knowledge

  • peer assessments

  • guided-discovery activities

  • learning communities

  • classification of learning skills

  • performance measures

Which type of first-year course do you enjoy teaching?

Which type of first-year course do students benefit from most?