Glossary of Terms Related to Process Education


A structured use of limited time


An examination of the whole by separating it into component parts and examining those parts as they relate to the whole


The person whose performance, work product, or learning skill(s) is being assessed with regard to specific criteria he or she has set with the assessor


Process used for improving quality

Peer—feedback is given by a colleague or peer

Real-time—feedback occurs at the same time as the process under study

Self—feedback occurs from studying one’s own process


The person who performs the assessment process on behalf of the assessee


Supposition of something to be a fact, whether proven or not

attribute (see factor)

Qualitative or quantitative characteristic of a criterion

behavioral outcomes

Certain behaviors which students should exhibit as a result of successful completion of a course


A stopping point at the end of a process, used for reflecting and reinforcing what has been learned, what issues remain, and where to direct future efforts

community of practice

Group of people who share a concern or a passion for something they do and who interact regularly to learn how to do it better


Ability to do something at a specific level


General idea derived or inferred from specific instances or occurrences

concept model

Any construct that illustrates a concept; can be formed using language, physical objects, mathematics, or pictures

constructive intervention

Interruption by a facilitator with questions or actions for the purpose of improving students’ learning skills and /or work product


Circumstances in which an event occurs; setting


Non-overlapping areas of quality

critical thinking

Using and/or applying a high quality thought process


Sphere of functioning/performance

Affective –area encompassing attitudinal skills

Cognitive—area encompassing thinking skills

Psychomotor –area encompassing motor skills

Social—area encompassing interpersonal skills


Position of being able to process a situation rather than being processed by the situation

enriched learning environment

Alignment of culture, resources, and facilitation to produce high quality learning and personal growth

environmental design

The plan followed for the physical setup of an area keeping in mind the effect of the design on all domains


The person whose performance or work product is judged against a set of standards established outside of the person’s control


Process for judging quality


The person who renders or reports a judgement (conclusion) concerning the performance or work product of an evaluatee against a set of prescribed standards


Collected information that supports a conclusion


Actions taken to help others learn


The person who is in charge of pacing the activity and responsible for ensuring that the group best meets the criteria set out in the activity

factor (see attribute)

Qualitative or quantitative characteristic of a criterion


Occurring as something is being developed

general skill

A major category of skills necessary to perform a process successfully


An action-oriented statement which specifies desired outcomes; an object or end that one strives to attain


Internalization of skills that allows the learner to reach higher levels of performance in one or all domains

guided discovery

Learning through exploration and discovery where the instructor provides resources and a guide to follow which contains objectives, criteria, and a set of carefully designed critical thinking questions


Knowledge acquired in any manner; for example by facts, data, learning, or lore

information processing

Methods used for collecting, retrieving, assessing, organizing, and storing information


New and significant discovery gained through observation of a performance


A specific tool used to obtain evidence


Facilitator’s interruption during learning process so student can get back on track


Awareness or possession of information about facts, ideas, skills, truths, tacit knowledge, and principles

knowledge skills

Abilities used to apply specific knowledge

knowledge table

A collection of concepts, processes, tools, and contexts that make up or describe a particular area of knowledge


Learning Assessment Journal used to document learning and thoughts


A system of rules used for communication

lateral thinking

The use of non-linear thinking processes to generate new ideas, check assumptions, and change perspective


Increasing mastery of factual, conceptual, and procedural knowledge

Active—learning by doing

Collaborative – learning based on informal teamwork

Cooperative – learning based on formal teamwork

Life-long—learning forever

learning to learn

Improving skills so you can construct knowledge more efficiently and effectively

learning outcome

What students are expected to be able to perform at the end of a learning experience

learning process

Steps used to learn

Learning Process Methodology

The steps taken which allow the construction of knowledge; a set of steps or procedures that models the process of learning to learn

learning skills

The aptitudes, abilities, and techniques used to acquire new knowledge and skills

lifelong learner

One who can apply learning skills to new situations throughout his or her life

life vision

A mental image of what you would like your future self to be

long-term behavior

The behavior displayed by learners on their own after a course is completed


A basis for comparison; A device used for measuring


Guiding a person who desires to improve


Self-awareness and self-control


Multiple-step models for complex processes


A statement of purpose; the most important reasons to be in existence, strongly based on beliefs and value system


Representation of reality useful for explaining concepts and providing a rational basis for decisions


General intentions for a process or experience


Actual end result


Being responsible and accountable with respect to achieving outcomes; can belong to an individual, a team, or an organization

peer assessment

Assessment performed by a colleague or peer

peer coaching

An ongoing assessment of a peer by a peer based on observations of performance


Means by which you accomplish an action or task

performance criterion

A standard used to measure and assess performance during a learning activity

performance measure

A basis for ranking a performance based on its quality


A collection of work products which demonstrate accomplishments, growth, and abilities in relation to defined areas of performance over a specific period of time


Common methods used by a specific discipline/community


Assessment that takes place at the beginning of a process, used to determine the level of ability or preparedness for a current task, challenge, activity, or performance


A declaration made in advance based on observation, experience, or reason


The set of concepts that should be mastered before undertaking a new body of knowledge built upon these concepts


A question, matter, situation, issue, or person that is perplexing, thought provoking, or difficult to deal with

problem solving

The process of resolving a problem; finding, creating or developing solutions to a question, matter, situation, issue, or person that is perplexing or difficult to deal with


A series of actions that add value to a final result

Process Education

An educational philosophy that focuses on the development of broad, transferable learning skills.


The result of the use of a process


Those behaviors displayed by an expert

quality (n)

Degree or grade of excellence

quality (adj)



A span that includes all the quality levels

real time assessment

Assessment that occurs simultaneously with the process under study


One of the four standard team roles; his/her purpose is to regularly document team decisions and discoveries during team activities


A thought or opinion resulting from careful, unfocused consideration


One of the four standard team roles; his/her purpose is to make observations about team performance, interactions and dynamics and record/report strengths, areas for improvement, and insights


Accounting in detail


Special investigation or studies of a scholarly nature


A source of support or help


Tool to distinguish different levels of performance based on verbal description


A means for determining the quality level of the evidence


Assessing your own progress by thinking critically about your (learning) process or performance and the results of that process


The highest level of learner performance, having developed strong performance/learning skills; learners who are continually growing by using strong self-assessment skills to improve future performance

short-term behavior

A behavior that students should display during the time they are taking a course


Tool for assessment feedback that focuses on strengths, areas to improve, and insights.

specific skills

Specific behaviors or attitudes which enable the learner to develop performance in general skills


One of the four basic team roles; his/her purpose is to report to the class as a whole the discoveries documented by the recorder


The level of performance established before the process starts which indicates that the performance was a success


Occurring at the end of a development period


The combining of various parts into a whole


The classification in an ordered system that indicates natural relationships


People with complementary skills who are committed to a common purpose, performance goals, and approach for which they hold themselves mutually accountable

team building

The process of getting a group to work together productively

team role

The set of expectations associated with a position within a group of goal directed people


A group of people actively cooperating in an organized way to achieve a goal


An implicit or recurring idea


A comprehensive, internally consistent system of ideas about a set of phenomena


Any device, implement, instrument or utensil which serves as a resource to accomplish a task


Specialized instruction and practice to become proficient in doing something


Verifying that the solution to a problem makes sense and responds to real-world conditions. Verifying that the results of a model are as expected and satisfactorily represent the system or thing being modeled

value system

A set of beliefs held by a group or individual and often considered indispensable or inviolate

way of being

A set of behaviors, actions, and use of language associated with a particular discipline or knowledge area