This event will explore the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning as it applies to the design of a National Research Center. Research centers, also called "Centers of Excellence" are being created around the country to help universities and colleges advance research in a specific focus area. These centers are multi-purpose, and provide undergraduates, graduate students, and faculty with research opportunities, outreach to the extended community, and integrate real-life practice back into the classroom. As a result, these centers become valuable to universities and colleges for advancing the quality of learning, teaching, service, scholarship, and research.
This event will use a potential future center for urban education research. The community of participants will produce a full design for this center. Items to be included in this design are:
Naming a Center
Producing a Vision Statement
Developing its Mission
Identifying internal and external stakeholders
Identifying the top five strategic efforts
Identifying the top five projects
Building the Leadership team
Building a 5-year start-up financial plan
Identifying potential supporting foundations, government, or businesses
Recruiting Associated Researchers
Designing a program assessment system
Identifying 10 courses that align with the mission (teaching and learning)
Identify 5 external programs that align with the mission (service)
Identify 5 academic programs that align with the mission (student research)
The other topics associated with advancing research practice in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning will also be integrated into this design effort.