This key resource is based upon our work with
thousands of faculty, administrators, and
students over the course of more than 20 years.
It references the scholarship of the Faculty
Guidebook and shares critical aspects of our
experience and expertise. Ultimately, it seeks
nothing less than a profound and positive
transformation of education as a way to realize
greater professional success on the part of
educators and greater academic and life success
on the part of learners. Keep an eye on Pacific
Crest; you'll be seeing and hearing much more
about the Transformation of Education in the
coming months and years. For now, however, we'd
just like to announce the new Learning Object
and let you know that
"The Transformation
of Teaching and Learning: 14 Aspects" by
Hintze-Yates, Beyerlein, Apple, and Holmes; is
slated for publication in the next issue of the
International Journal of Process Education.