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© 2014 Pacific Crest
ardest Problem
How hard
it be? Can you still use what you’ve learned?
Based on the Models, the Methodologies, and the Demonstrate Your Understanding (DYU) problems in
this activity, create the
problem you can. Start with the hardest DYU problem in this experience
and by contrasting and comparing it with the other DYU problems, play “What if” with the different
conditions, structures, and choices in the various problems. 
Can you still solve the problem? If so, solve it. If not, explain why not.
What are the conditions and parameters that make a problem involving using data from other sources a
difficult problem to solve?
Find the error and correct it!
Select three data sets from the companion website. For each data set, complete an assessment of that
data sets as if were presented to you as ready-to-use. Provide three strengths of the data set (and why
they were strengths), three ways to improve the data set (and how to make each improvement) and any
insights you had about data readiness while assessing each data set.
aking it Matter
Solving problems in your life
Pick an important area of your life and identify an important event in this area that was caused or
significantly influenced by data and conclusions drawn from data. Research where the data came
from and determine how confident you should be with the data and with the implications that came
from the analysis. Present your solution for review.
earning to Learn Mathematics
Reflecting on and appreciating your learning
1. In quantitative reasoning, we constantly start with a set of premises, assumptions, or properties in a
given situation. When it comes to data what are the
we start with?
2. When we start thinking about data, how do our critical thinking skills differ from purely mathematical
3. What is the role of skeptical thinking when you’re looking at other data?
ssessing Your Performance
Assessing your performance as a learner
Review the description of
A Successful Performance
and assess your own performance against the
standard offered there.
How and why was your performance
How can you
your performance, making it more successful? What
concrete steps
do you
need to take to make each improvement?
5.2 Using Data from Other Sources