© 2014 Pacific Crest
12. Additional
What are the key questions in the presentation that are currently unan-
swered and what are the statistical tools used to answer these questions
None for the current context and use.
13. Generalize
What can we say about implications outside our current context of analysis.
Determine if it is fair to generalize the results to a wider population.
While this is an expansive analysis of crime trends in the United States, it probably has
little relevance to western Europe countries where laws and customs differ
14. Produce analytical
Report the findings of the data analysis, document your process and
techniques, conclusions with justification, and any issues or concerns, plus
future investigation ideas.
Outline of Report
1. Executive Summary
2. Data Used
3. Questions being asked
4. Methods Used
5. Results
6. Conclusion
7. Summary
8. Appendix documenting analysis
15. Lessons learned
Assess your performance in the data analysis process, determining what
you did well and why, what can you improve upon, and identifying what you
Transforming the data allowed for a new way of seeing data and
relationships quickly
Choice of graphical tools; a line graph produced a much better trend
representation than bar graphs
Data sets can contain more meaning than we might think on first
look, but it can be frustrating to notice what they lack (for our
specific purposes). People often make assumptions and assume
things that are not there, in the data.
7.3 Data Analysis