Professional Development

Improve your classroom learning environment!
Create interactive learning activities!
Provide impactful feedback on student learning performance!
Cultivate a second discipline in teaching!

After 40 years of successful collaboration with a wide variety of universities and colleges in implementing change projects, Pacific Crest has developed professional development resources and tools that have evolved into Workshops. We're ready to help you choose the right combination of events to cultivate the performance capabilities YOU want to develop.

Click to learn more about any event (interactive pdf format).

Facilitator Success is EVERYONE'S Success

  • Pacific Crest has provided professional development workshops for more than 12,000 educators over the last 32 years.
  • We know facilitators are the experts, when it comes to teaching. What we can offer is insight and strategies for helping students learn more deeply, so they can generalize and transfer what they learn.
  • We concentrate on ongoing professional development, focusing specifically on the key processes of assessing, designing, innovating, learning, teaching, problem-solving, and researching.
  Contact us to request a workshop (or ask questions)!

Would you like to see the criteria for the 14 key areas of performance we target when working with professionals? (TIP: Use these criteria in feedback to help create real improvement!)

Overview of our Professional Development Workshops

  • Teaching Workshop

    For institutions or individuals interested in converting from a traditionally-oriented classroom to one that is learner and learning-centered, this event offers the opportunity to grow and develop as an educator. Attendees participate in a learning community that mirrors an active learning, guided inquiry course. You’ll leave this event with renewed enthusiasm for teaching and a strong motivation to mentor the growth of your students and yourself.

    • Develop an understanding of an instructional design process that supports active learning, critical thinking, and assessment.
    • Learn to value the importance of self-assessment in the growth process and identify ways to make better use of specific assessment tools.
    • Act as researchers, deciding which strategies, tools and techniques work well (or not) in different learning environments.
    • Observe and learn top professional practices from the perspective of a student: analyze, learn, and apply new material.

  • Activity Design Workshop

    By integrating learning theory into the design process, activities can be created that support active learning, guided inquiry approaches, thereby creating learning environments which challenge students to develop essential learning skills, even as they master content.

    • Define appropriate learning objectives, learning outcomes, and performance criteria for activities within a course.
    • Write critical thinking questions that support different levels of cognitive development.
    • Practice integrating a learning methodology and learning theory (cognitive models) into the design of activities   curricula.
    • Create skill exercises and problems that are meaningful, challenging, and raise the level of student learning.
  • Assessment Workshop

    Assessment is critical for growing life-long learning skills and elevating performance in diverse contexts. This workshop offers the opportunity to enhance teaching and learning by recognizing the role of real-time and formative assessment as a catalyst for elevating teaching and learning performance.

    • Experience and validate new tools and techniques for performing quality assessment.
    • Improve your ability to perform high quality self-assessment.
    • Learn the design principles and processes for building appropriate assessment systems and data collection tools.
    • Embed formative assessment in classroom practices, instructional design, program design, annual review, and strategic planning processes and systems..

  • Research on the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning workshop

    Facilitators throughout higher education are being asked to become better researchers and scholars of their own practices—whether it be in disciplinary context, teaching, or other areas of (facilitator) performance. Since scholarly effort is a component of most tenure, promotion, and merit systems, it is important that individuals receive credit for additional research that is not published in disciplinary journals. In response to these increasing research demands, this event focuses on helping facilitators further develop their scholarly efforts, as it pertains to their role as an educator.

    • Improve your ability to use assessment data and other information as the basis for publishable research.
    • Strengthen your ability to conduct scholarship in various contexts, including outside your own discipline.
    • Work to develop a network of educators committed to advancing knowledge related to the scholarship of teaching and learning.

My whole way of thinking about teaching and learning changed the day I attended my first Pacific Crest Institute. Since then, I have attended eight or nine other Institutes, every one of which has added tremendously to both my understanding of essential educational issues and to my “bag of tricks” for helping students to learn. I strongly urge any teacher interested in turning her or his students into self-growers to look into the offerings at Pacific Crest.

Eric Myrvaagnes Suffolk University, Boston MA

Why did I persist in my goal of being a facilitator of learning using the tools, techniques, methodologies and philosophy experienced in these workshops? The vision that I saw of where my classroom experiences could be, for both myself and my students, was so powerful that I had to persist. My experiences with Pacific Crest took me on a wonderful journey of growth and renewal for the later years of my teaching career.

Rich Armstrong Madison Area Technical College, Madison WI

What an awesome experience for an educator, to see transformation and growth of students in just a few short weeks. Students were taking ownership of their learning and didn’t even know it. Can it get any better than that? I actually think it can (and will) as I become more adept in facilitating this kind of classroom and my students become more engaged in the learning process.

Mary Roslonowski Brevard Community College, Florida

Unlike many of my colleagues, I see myself learning and growing almost as much as my students on a year-in and year-out basis. This is the legacy of the approach to teaching and learning I've gotten from Pacific Crest. The legacy is affirmed by the servant leadership role I play for my students, graduate mentees, and colleagues.

Steve Beyerlein University of Idaho, Moscow

We've worked with a few colleges and universities...why not join them??

Alfred State College | Auburn University | Baker College | Ball State University | Biola University | Bradley University | Brevard Community College | Brigham Young University, Idaho | Buffalo State College | California Polytechnic U., Pomona | Carson Newman College | Central Illinois Higher Ed Consortium | Central Washington University | Cerritos College | Chicago State University | Coastal Carolina University | Coe College | College of Rural Alaska | College of the North Atlantic | CUNY Bronx | Dean College | DePauw University | Dodge City Community College | Elmhurst College | Empire State College | Florida A&M University | Friendship Edison Public Charter | Gaston College | George Fox College | Grand Rapids Community College | Grand Valley State College | Heartland Community College | Higher Colleges of Tech, Abu Dhabi | Hinds Community College | Hobart & Wm Smith Colleges | Idaho State University | Illinois Central College | Illinois Institute of Technology | Kalamazoo Valley Community College | Kettering University | Kirkwood Community College | Lamar University | Lewis Clark State College | Illinois State University | Los Medanos College | Madison Area Technical College | Marycrest University | Miami Jacobs College | Middle Rio Grande Business & Ed. Collaborative | Morningside College | Mount St. Marys College | National Academy of Sciences | New Jersey City University | North Carolina Central U. | Northeastern University | Northern New Mexico CC | Penn State University | Penn State University-Erie | Rhodes State College | Rose-Hulman lnstitute of Tech | San Jose State University | Seattle University | Sinclair Community College | South Carolina State University | Southern Maine Technical College | Southern Polytechnic Institute | Southwest Indian Polytechnic Institute | Southwestern Ohio Council for HE | St. Augustines College | St. Louis College of Pharmacy | St. Louis Community College | St. Mary’s College | Stanford University | Stony Brook University | Suffolk County Community College | Suffolk University | Sullivan County Community College | SUNY Binghamton | SUNY Center for Professional Development | SUNY Cortland | SUNY Environmental Science & Forestry | SUNY Genesco | SUNY Old Westbury | SUNY Oswego | Tennessee Technological University | University of Central Missouri | University of Central Oklahoma | University of District Columbia | University of Idaho | University of Indianapolis | University of Louisville | University of Nebraska | University of New England | University of Redlands | University of Southern Indiana | University of Southern Maine | University of Tennessee at Knoxville | University of the District of Columbia | US Military Academy at West Point | Valparaiso University | Virginia State University | Walla Walla College | Washington State University | Wells College | Western Governor's University | Western Michigan University | Western Oregon State College | William Penn College | York College

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Frequently Asked Questions

What do the workshops cost?
Are these workshops online or face to face?
Can I learn about the workshop facilitator(s)?
How can I request an event?

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