Learn to Learn for SUCCESS

Our Learn to Learn for Success course is the perfect preparation for students who...

  • are not quite ready to step into a college or work environment
  • have stopped out or dropped out of college and are ready to go back and succeed
  • need to recover from academic dismissal or are appealing academic probation/dismissal

The course is offered as a 1-week in-person course (for college-bound students) or a 4-week online course, giving the flexibility and convenience needed to fit into your schedule. This course is about you becoming the person you want to be, by developing the learning skills you need in order to be successful in life and developing the mindset and abilities that make self-directed growth achievable.

Students from Western Governor's University who completed the course said it was...

HIGHLY beneficial
of NO benefit

The numbers tell a story

  • The BIG PICTURE  36 million students in the United States have some college education but did not complete college and more than 3 million of them are “near completers” who completed at least 2 years of coursework (SOURCE).
  • The value of a degree to INDIVIDUALS  Individuals with a college degree earn an average of 75% or $32,000 more per year than individuals with only a high school diploma (SOURCE). Additionally, individuals with a college degree are 47% more likely to have health insurance, 24% more likely to be employed, 44% more likely to report very good or excellent health, and more likely to report being happy (SOURCE).
  • The value of a degree to COLLEGES and UNIVERSITIES  Colleges spend upwards of $3,000 to recruit each new student, only to have nearly 25% of them drop out. A valued $3.8 billion is lost each year as a result (SOURCE). Additionally, overall college enrollment is down by nearly a million since 2020 (SOURCE) and nearly 3 million in the last 10 years (SOURCE). On top of this, state budget allocations are increasingly tied to schools' graduation rates (SOURCE).
  • The value of a degree to SOCIETY  Degreed individuals have a significantly lower rate of crime, a greater likelihood of volunteering and donating to charities, greater political involvement and participation in school, community, service, civic, and religious organizations, with more reported neighborhood interactions and trust (SOURCE).

So do the students

These students from Hinds Community College School of Nursing (MS) had been academically dismissed but were allowed to return if they completed the course. On the final day, they were asked what the experience meant to them. These are their own words, shared with their permission.

Join the schools who have made a difference with Learn to Learn for Success

  • Western Governor's University

    125 students were successful in the first 5 offerings of Learn to Learn for Success. 72% of those who started went on to complete the course. 76% of those who re-enrolled completed their next term successfully.

  • Hinds Community College

    In the 9 years they've offered the Learn to Learn for Success Course, 66% of the students who completed the course (and therefore granted readmission) graduated and went on to be practicing nurses.

  • Grand Valley
    State University

    2015: 83 students took the course to recover from academic dismissal and passed, 61 students re-enrolled. A year later, 31 were still enrolled and succeeding academically.
    2016: 75 students took the course, 70 passed, 62 re-enrolled that fall.
    2017: 77 students took the course, 77 passed, 51 re-enrolled that fall.

    The program at Grand Valley State University was so successful that we used a 'train the trainers' approach to shift facilitation to GVSU faculty.

  • Are you serious about retaining and recovering students?

    Would you like to know what this course can mean to them?

    If so, click for a FREE in-depth report that provides the detailed metrics and outcomes of our Learn to Learn for Success Course.

Nearly 30 years ago, we at Pacific Crest challenged two groups of students with learning something new. The first group were seniors ready to graduate from college. The second group were first-year college students. When the challenge was finished and the dust settled, the results shocked us. The seniors knew much more than the first-year students but had done NO BETTER AT LEARNING NEW INFORMATION than the first-year students.

That experience 32 years ago set our course as a company. We have spent the years since focused on learning as an intentional process that not only can be taught to individuals, but that can be improved. You can Learn HOW to Learn and how to get better at learning. What we know is a potential game changer for educators, students, or professionals at any level... for anyone who needs to teach or learn. We're not offering the key to learning math. Or a foreign language. We're offering the keys to learning itself: learning better, faster, and with higher retention.

This is how we make success happen in school, work, and life.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the BENEFITS of the course?
What does the course COST?
What are the course's SUCCESS STANDARDS?
What do I need to do if I'm a COURSE SPONSOR?

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