Table of Contents:
Section 1: Personal Historical Research
Educational Background
Personal Accomplishments
Community Efforts
Family Relationships
Important Friendships
Key Highlights
Section 2: Initiating a Personal Exploration
Who Am I?
What is my Life Story?
What is my Life Vision?
Section 3: Self-analysis
Clarifications of Likes & Dislikes
Personality Analysis (Myers Briggs)
Learning Styles Analysis
Values Analysis
Processing Life’s Difficulties
Section 4: Researching Your Environment
Role Model Exploration
Choosing a Mentor
Exploring the History of Your College/Organization
Exploring Your College Resources
Exploring Your Community
Section 5: Goal Setting
Section 6: Key Life Learning & Performance Skills
Time Management
Conflict Resolution
Coping Skills
Section 7: Meaning of Life
Exploring Your Passions
What have or will have the most meaning in your Life?
Time Analysis
Expanding Your Life Experiences
Section 8: Growth and Improvement
Improving Self-Assessment Performance
Self-Growth Paper--Measuring Growth & Development