Self-Growth Tip:  When in a funk, focus on a life role

Self-Growth Tip:  When in a funk, focus on a life role

Life has its ups and downs and most of us don’t have too many down (or up) days in a row. But when the bad days just keep coming, there are a few techniques that can help turn things around. One that we’ve found is to briefly reflect on our life roles and choose one that we’ve neglected. We have so many roles: partner, parent, carer, professor, mentor, researcher, gardener, soccer enthusiast, friend, and neighbor, to name a few. There aren’t enough hours in the day for us to give each the attention it deserves. But when we find ourselves in a funk, choosing one of these and throwing ourselves and our energy into it can make a big difference. It doesn’t always work immediately; sometimes we may have to wear a few different hats and improve in a couple of different life roles before things get better. The point is that these life roles are what sustain us; together, they are who we are and the aspects of ourselves that we value the most. Time working on those roles is never wasted and stepping into one of them with passion and a will provides us a kind of sanctuary from the darker days, while eventually lighting them back up.


  1. The blogs from Pacific are meant to be inspirational and thought provoking. Take a few moments every day to examine your own self-growth. Share your reactions to these blogs with others!

  2. Shelagh Brennan

    I went to academic boot camp, but because of my cognitive functions and time management; I didn’t do as well as a I wanted. I was looking at Gateway college; then transfer to UCONN; which has a large disability network. In ‘92 I had
    a brain tumor removed. Moving on, I am always looking to make me a better version of “me”. Many of the operations,
    and therapies are extremely expensive,far away, not appropriate. Could you recommend a “Lifecoach”. I have alreadry
    applied for a waiver and alternative through the the Tbi society of CT.

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