Mom: “That's not fell off your bike and got hurt. You're not supposed to do that.” Dad: “You didn’t even make it to the trees. You failed at your…
When starting a new performance, whether a difficult and serious one (a new job or a new course/degree or major project) or one that’s relatively inconsequential (a new hobby or…
In Mark Twain’s short story, Captain Stormfield’s Visit to Heaven, once Captain Eli Stormfield makes it past the pearly gates and gets his bearings, he begins to learn about the other inhabitants of heaven.
When we meet another, we are presented with a choice of whether or not to risk ourselves. To take the time and risk of opening ourselves to another means being willing to lose a measure of control over our interaction and the direction it takes. To take this risk is to embrace living a richer life than we could possibly script ourselves.