As a PE Lead Facilitator, you will perform
the following roles
Activity Designer Produces student activities that are transferable to other facilitators of active learning.
Assessor Performs timely pre-assessments, as well as real-time, formative, and summative assessments.
Collaborator Designs and develops teams that are double the outcomes of all individuals on their own.
Consultant Provides help to teams during a project, process, or event to assist them in generalizing their learning to other contexts.
Designer Designs a facilitation plan overnight to meet the needs of participants the next day in achieving their stated goals and outcomes.
Evaluator Identifies the desired qualities within a system, creates measures of these qualities, establishes the scales and scoring measures, and documents without bias.
Facilitator Facilitates experiences for diverse participants across a range of activity types to produce consistent client-based outcomes.
Is Knowledgeable Applies key Process Education concepts in challenging situations and explains the “why” behind the practice to skeptics.
Leader Smoothly integrates the support team, mentoring team, student teams, and co-facilitators in a shared vision of outcomes with quick and efficient decisions.
Learner Constructs knowledge from experience in everything they do by asking the the most useful inquiry questions, then generalizing and creating insights.
Measurer Develops scales for performance levels within course work to help students gauge their current performance level so they can focus on reaching the next level.
Performance Mentor When asked, helps a performer improve a specific area related to their current challenges and context.
Problem Solver Helps others develop valued solutions to situations by using the Problem-Solving Methodology.
Reflector Senses when better understanding and greater clarity are needed and uses spare moments to bring forward additional meaning and insights.
Researcher Achives publication as a lead author in a refereed journal in a subject area of Process Education while collaboratively mentoring junior researchers.
Self-Assessor Creates a culture of growth by embedding self-assessment throughout their facilitated activities.
Self-Grower Improves key personal performance areas in a structured and effective manner by using active growth plans during weekly transitions.
Self-Growth Coach Gives feedback to help another use the Self-Growth Methodology to reflect and modify their annual journey.
Systems Thinker Understands which systems can be imported from past experiences, which need to be tweaked, and creates new systems, as needed, for new projects and stakeholders.
Uses learner-centered approaches to help cultivate productive learning communities to meet intended outcomes using embedded assessment.