7.4  Simple Linear Regression
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The correlation coefficient is denoted by r, and -1 ≤ r ≤ 1. Consider a set of ordered pairs. If the graph of the points defined by the ordered pairs is a line with positive slope, then r = 1. If the graph of the points defined by the ordered pairs is a line with negative slope, then r = –1. If the graph of the set of ordered pairs is a “cloud” with no discernible pattern, then r ≈ 0.

Graphic is available at http://www.mathsisfun.com/data/correlation.html

Correlation measures the strength of the linear relationship between two sets of data. If a correlation is positive, as one set of data increases, the other set of data increases. If a correlation is negative, as one set of data increases, the other set of data decreases. If the correlation coefficient is fairly close to 1 or –1, it is reasonable to perform a linear regression in order to predict the second variable knowing the first. There is no specific rule for when it is reasonable, but the regression will be a better predictor for r value close to 1 or –1.

To perform a simple linear regression is to find the linear equation that represents the relationship between one variable (y), and another variable (x). If the correlation is strong, the regression equation is effective in predicting the y-value given an x-value.

Correlation vs. Causation

Causation: one event occurs because another event occurred. For example, a person earns a paycheck of $400 because he worked 40 hours at a rate of $10 per hour.

Correlation: Just because two events happen simultaneously does not mean that one event causes the other. For example, on a hot and sunny summer day, the sales of sun glasses and ice cream increase significantly. On cold rainy fall days, the number of purchases of these items plummet. Is it reasonable to think that sunglass sales cause ice cream sales? Do people buy ice cream to celebrate their puchase of sun glasses? Often, as in this case, there is an additional factor that impacts both variables. Here, that factor was a hot and sunny day.

10 Correlations That Are Not Causations (read #7 and #6)

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  source file: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:PiratesVsTemp(en).svg#mediaviewer/File:PiratesVsTemp(en).svg
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