Student Success Toolbox
During the activity
Important information to be referenced. Where did you get key information?
The activity lists a dictionary,
and the internet as the resources we should use. As a team we have decided to try locating
definitions first in a dictionary, then on the internet. We will only use the internet if we cannot find a
definition in the dictionary. We will all note the resource where we found each definition in
parentheses after the definition.
At the end of the activity
State the three most important discoveries learned from the activity along with the significance of each and how each can be applied.
We learned that there is a lot more to most of these terms than we had thought. Every one of
us ended up reading more than just definitions we found. So many of the terms do relate directly to
other terms.
We all also learned that even a dictionary published in the last year was “behind the times” with
respect to some of the terms. Technology moves more quickly than the recording of that technology
EXCEPT by or in that technology. This means that if you’re using software, for example, the best
place to find information about the software will be IN the software (the help menu or web-based
information on
the company web site).
We learned that it is a good idea to double-check that everyone understands their individual
assignments before the group splits up. Two team members looked up the same list of words! We did
not make sure that everyone understood which words they were responsible for. From now on, when
we do a similar activity where we split up for everyone to do their own part, each of us will announce
his or her assignment out loud, to the whole group.
Areas for Improvement: