Page 213 - Foundations of Learning, 4th Edition (Revised)
P. 213

“The internet is the world’s largest library. It’s just that all the books are on the floor.”
                                John Allen Paulos, American mathematician and author


An Amazing Reality     An Amazing Reality

     Introducing       The World Wide Web has only been in existence since 1989 and yet it has had an
          Fred         incredible impact on practically every aspect of our lives. In two short decades,
                       it has moved us into a global environment. People living in the remotest parts
The Information Age    of the world are “connected” through the World Wide Web.

     WWW What?         Think of how you now use the Internet. You may well have registered for
                       this class on the college’s web site. How did you order your books? Even if
  The Information      you went to the bookstore to get them, the bookstore probably does all of its
      Processing       ordering and inventory management using a networked computer system.
                       This morning, you may have downloaded some songs and podcasts onto your
    Methodology        iPod. Have you ever ordered a pizza for delivery and rented an online movie,
                       all from your computer? Do you pay your bills online? Do you shop online?
  Discussion of the    When you plan a trip to a new neighborhood, do you find your friend’s home
    Methodology        and directions using Mapquest®? Have you ever found your home on Google®
                       Maps? Or made a plane or train reservation using the airline or train web site?
     Highlighted       You can easily go off to do a search on any number of travel or hotel sites...
     Information       you can begin your trip without ever leaving your home.
  Processing Skills
                       There are other travels you can take into virtual worlds. Some people now
  Rubric: Levels of    live part of their lives in virtual worlds, such as Second Life® . Do you have
       Listening       an avatar? Are you active on Facebook®? Wireless devices are everywhere:
                       not just in your cell phone, but also in refrigerators and cars. New cars now
Learning a New Tool    send information about the
                       air pressure in your tires to a
 Critical Reflection:  satellite. In addition to that, if
     Information       your car is stolen, a satellite
                       can locate it through wireless
   Scavenger Hunt      communications.

  Activity 8.1         In this chapter, we will explore
                       this incredible technology
     Information       as a resource for life in the
      Processing       twenty-first century. Through
    Methodology        the Information Processing
                       Methodology, we will identify more effective ways to utilize this extensive
  Activity 8.2         resource. For some, it can seem overwhelming. For others, it is an integral part
                       of everyday life. It is our reality and what an amazing reality it is!
  Using a Software
     Help System       GLOSSARY  active listening brainstorm  information  knowledge  memorize
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