Page 364 - Foundations of Learning, 4th Edition (Revised)
P. 364

Step Explanation

   3     The assessor should:
           c. Document the assessee’s strengths, areas for improvement, and insights which will
               be shared with the assessee.

           d. Offer feedback during the performance, if appropriate and agreed upon beforehand,
               with the assessee.

4 Report the findings to the assessee.

         The assessor should:

           a. Share the assessment report with the assessee. This includes information gathered
               during the performance and how it relates to the criteria, along with feedback for
               improving future performances.

           b. Analyze a performance that is believed to be poor or of low quality. Determine what
               part is due to the information collected, the criteria chosen, and/or the performance

Discussion of the Assessment Methodology

In order to demonstrate the use of the Assessment Methodology, let’s follow David, as he tries to figure
out what to do about his English class.

    David spoke with his old coach from middle school, who had become something of a mentor for
    David. Coach Miller listened as David explained that soccer wasn’t the problem; he was really having
    a tough time with his Freshman English class. David shared that his grades were really pretty bad on
    his last several assignments and that he was dreading the upcoming paper assignment...he just knew
    he was going to do poorly. His coach thought about the situation then suggested that David view
    his English instructor as a kind of coach who could help David figure out how to improve, instead
    of a judge who was only there to assign grades. He urged David to meet with his instructor and ask
    for some additional assessment feedback. David trusted Coach Miller and agreed.

    David’s instructor, Professor Robinson, was pleased that David came to see her and immediately
    agreed to work with him by assessing a draft of the upcoming paper.

         “David,”she said,“I’m really glad you want to work on this. My success as a teacher depends upon
    your success as a student. Of course I’m willing to work with you.”

    She suggested that they follow the Assessment Methodology as a way to structure the assessment.
    David agreed and started to feel that maybe the class wasn’t a lost cause, after all.

Step 1—Develop Guidelines for the Assessor to Follow when Assessing a Performance

The first step in setting up an assessment is to define the purpose for the performance and the purpose for
the assessment. With this information, the person being assessed (assessee) can better determine what is
important to assess, and the person doing the assessing (assessor) is equipped to give helpful and appropriate

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