We are pleased to announce the revised 4th
edition of Foundations of Learning. Though there are several new features
of this edition, the most noticeable is that the whole book is now in color!
We'd like to add that there has been no price increase over the black-and-white
edition ($50 before bookstore markup.) We
love this book and want it to be as interesting, engaging, and meaningful as
possible...and while we stand firmly behind the content of the book, regardless
of its appearance, we are also aware that color opens up whole new worlds. |
While this shift from black-and-white to color might not affect textual content,
full-color printing was not simply an aesthetic choice. Color allowed us to
convey additional information:
color can enable better detection,
discrimination, and recognition
color can be used to spotlight information
bring it into conscious perception
colors have multiple
= natural/go;
= hot/stop, for example)
and can be
associated with specific concepts
through intentional presentation
All the rubrics presented in the book use
color in precisely this way (see the images at right). Once students become
familiar with two or three rubrics where color reinforces different
skill levels, they are able to focus that much more quickly on skill
levels for new rubrics.
Additionally, because Foundations of Learning uses virtual students as models, the more we can do to make
those students seem realistic, the more likely it is that students using
the book will pay attention to them, react to them, and learn from them.
Another important upgrade from the 4th edition is that we
have added a new chapter:
Time Management. We previewed a portion of
this new chapter in the previous issue of Reflections; we'd now like to
offer you the opportunity to view that entire chapter.
click to view! |
For anyone interested in learning more or learning how to
facilitate a course with Foundations of
Learning, there is a
Student Success Institute
focused specifically on
Facilitating with Foundations of
scheduled for June 22 and 23
at St. Louis
College of Pharmacy,
St. Louis, MO.
Pacific Crest is willing to cover
registration fees for instructors who adopt Foundations of Learning
($450 per person without an
For more information,
contact us!
If you're interested in
adopting Foundations of Learning or would like to learn more, please contact us: