Process Education Conference 2007 is nearly here. It
promises to be a wonderful opportunity for those
practicing Process Education as well as those who are
in learning more about PE. |
The theme for this year’s conference is
Student Success Through Faculty Success
and the
entire program is geared towards this goal.
Keynote speakers Dr. Renato Anoè, Dr. Daniel Litynski,
and Dr. Robert McCabe are all superlative veteran educators
who have each dealt successfully with the myriad challenges
involved in fostering and promoting student success. Visit
the conference website to learn more about our keynote
speakers and the expertise they’ll be sharing.
Among other activities at the conference
break-out sessions which are themed along four tracks:
Fostering Transition to College
(3 workshops)
Is the student prepared for success?
Facilitating Student Success
(4 Workshops)
Is the teacher
prepared for student success?
Designing Student-Centered Curriculum
(4 Workshops)
Is the course prepared
for success?
Aligning organizations for Student Success
(2 Workshops)
Is the institution
prepared for student success?
In addition to these offerings, the
conference program includes a workshop that will take
advantage of the conference’s location in our nation’s
capitol by allowing attendees the opportunity to engage in
discussions with U. S. legislators regarding the goals of
higher education. Conference attendees are also invited to
participate in a
poster session during which presenters will share
innovative tips and techniques for promoting student success
in the classroom.
The conference "swag" includes a free
copy of the brand new 4 th
Guidebook. Add the opportunity to network and socialize
with this unique community of educators and your enthusiasm
for your chosen vocation is guaranteed to receive a
tremendous boost.