Page 324 - Foundations of Learning, 4th Edition (Revised)
P. 324

An effective teamwork process involves a great deal more than putting people together in a group with
a task to work on. The effectiveness of teamwork is greatly enhanced by having a mission or common
vision, using team roles, having a plan, and assessing the performance of the team as a whole as well as
the performance of individuals within the team.

Define the Mission

The mission of the team influences what resources are required and necessary to meet the team’s goals
and objectives. Our team’s mission has already been defined by Professor Arbuckle (they’re working on
Activity 12.1; the same activity YOU will complete), so they don’t need to spend time figuring out what
they’re supposed to do, but can move directly to figuring out how they’ll accomplish their mission.

Build the Team

It is important that team building occurs only after the mission is understood and agreed upon and resources
are carefully considered. An important component of team building is the creation of shared ownership
of goals and objectives. Team members must believe that the team’s goals are worthwhile and obtainable.

The creation of team roles, with job descriptions,           Captain
enhances accountability, performance, and unity
while helping to facilitate team goals. Depending   Sam, with his excellent
on the purpose and length of the team’s mission,    leadership skills, makes a
roles should be periodically rotated among team     strong Captain.
members so that everyone can gain experience,
and improve skills in different areas.

Let’s see how our team is doing. So far, they’ve        Spokesperson
decided that Sam makes the best Captain, Jennifer
is a natural choice for Spokesperson and Sandra     Jennifer’s journalism
has volunteered to be the Reflector.                 background and her ability to
                                                    communicate both within the
The team is now ready to discuss who should be      team and to the larger class
the Recorder.                                       makes her a natural Spokesperson.

         “It sounds fun,” Fred says.

    “Wait,” Sandra interrupts, “let’s go back              Reflector
to the assignment sheet. Professor Arbuckle
wants us to list the ‘occasions and activities’     Sandra, with her earlier
where teamwork is helpful —in other words,          suggestion that the team
what is our team going to actually do?”             be careful in assigning roles,
                                                    has volunteered to be the
    “Eat pizza? Watch videos? Hang out in the       Reflector.
student union parking lot?” Fred jokes.

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