Page 118 - Foundations of Learning, 4th Edition (Revised)
P. 118

Learning Process Methodology Form (for Ken’s use of the LPM)

On your own or in a group, provide as many strengths, improvements and insights you can think of and
place them in the third column.

Step           Explanation                                      Assessment

1 Why          We didn’t have tennis in my high school Strength:

               and I always wondered what it would be
               like to play. Tennis is interesting to me on Improvement:

               many levels. First of all, it is good exercise.  Insight:
               Second, while it is fun to watch on television

               now, it would be even more entertaining if I

               understood the rules of the game.

2 Orientation  I have a passing familiarity with the game, Strength:

               having watched it on TV. I’ve reviewed the
               basic rules of the game on a couple of web Improvement:

               sites. I know that I’ll be focusing on playing   Insight:
               singles and on a community court...nothing

               fancy, in other words!

3 Prerequisites Includes eye-hand coordination, the ability Strength:

               to read and interpret rules, and reasonable      Improvement:

               physical fitness and stamina.


4 Learning     I want to know enough about playing to Strength:
               keep up with Bobby and watch tennis
               matches with an appreciation for the skill Improvement:

               and strategy used.                               Insight:

5 Performance  I can play a game well enough to enjoy Strength:
  Criteria     competition with another play (whose skill
               level is close to my own), rather than focusing Improvement:
               only upon the skills I’m working to develop. Insight:

6 Vocabulary   lines and locations: net, baseline, singles line Strength:

               scoring: point, game, set, match
               shots: forehand, backhand, serve, volley, Improvement:

               overhead, lob, drop-shot                         Insight:
               serve-related: ace, let, faults, foot fault

7 Information  There are many sources of information; my Strength:

               local bookstore has a nice selection of both
               books and DVDs. There are also many web Improvement:

               sites that offer terminology, tips, and rules.   Insight:
               Tennis classes or private lessons are another

               potential resource.

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