Page 155 - Foundations of Learning, 4th Edition (Revised)
P. 155

“Education is what remains when we have forgotten all that we have been taught.”
                           George Savile, Maquis of Halifax, English statesman and author


     The Context      The Context of College
       of College
                      In Chapter 1, you learned that an important component of the Performance
      Introducing     Model is “context.” What does that mean? One aspect of context is your learning
          Rene        environment. How are you taking this course? Are you attending class three days
                      a week? Or, perhaps you are doing an intensive one-week course in the summer.
  The Terminology     Maybe you’re taking this course online. Each of these provides a different context
       of College     for your learning.

     The Student      You are most likely a college student. What kind of college are you attending?
      Handbook        Do you live on campus? Or do you live at home and go to classes each day from
                      there? Do most students commute to your college? Do some students study online
    Life Goals and    and rarely, if ever, actually come to campus? Each of these situations provides a
   Academic Goals     different context for learning in college.

   LVP: Interviews    If this is your first term or semester, you’re probably encountering lots of new
                      terminology. Since these terms provide information about the context of your
   Developing Your    learning, we will spend some time reviewing this terminology. Another source of
  Educational Plan    information about your learning environment is your college’s Student Handbook.
                      We’ll do some investigation there as well.
   College Support
Systems and Services  At some point in your time at college, you will declare a major. Your major will
                      further define your context. How will you decide on your major? As you have
  College Learning    probably already begun to discover, making choices about your future is not as
    Environments      simple as you might wish; there are so many choices to be made! This chapter
                      therefore includes activities
   Activity 6.1       that will help you begin to
                      think through your interests
  The Terminology     and options.
       of College
                      In Chapter 2, we introduced
   Activity 6.2       the Life Vision Portfolio
                      (LVP). You placed answers
     The Student      to some general questions
      Handbook        in that portfolio as well as
                      reflected on a significant
   Activity 6.3       event in your life. You also
                      refined the educational
    Developing an     goals that you identified in Chapter 1. In this chapter, you’ll add a few more entries
  Educational Plan    to your LVP to help you sharpen some of your educational goals.

                      GLOSSARY  general education higher education  major  terminology

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