Page 197 - Foundations of Learning, 4th Edition (Revised)
P. 197
Think of a life situation you are currently facing or have recently faced that required you to demonstrate
coping skills. Select one aspect of the coping process that you were able to successfully use as you worked
to deal with the situation. Then select one aspect of the coping process that you’d like to try and develop.
In the space below, share your thoughts about how your strength helped you to cope and how strengthening
the other skill could be even more helpful.
Sandra on coping: I have to say that I think I have accepted what happened to me (my
injuries) as just part of my life. I didn’t get dealt the hand I might have wanted, and
I do get frustrated when I have trouble hearing and following conversations, but
the situation is what it is. I watched a couple of friends really beat themselves
up with “what-Ifs” (what if our convoy had left five minutes later, what if I’d
been sitting in the next truck, etc.) and that’s a bad place to be because you
don’t get anywhere, trying to rewrite the past. I hate admitting it, but I think
I need to work on having faith in people. I sometimes feel like I have to
do everything myself, because it’s tough to count on other people. This
is where my family really helps, though. It’s hard to not believe in the
goodness of people when I’m around my niece. I’m getting better at this,
but it’s still a challenge.
Chapter 7 — Addressing Personal Obstacles 191