Page 198 - Foundations of Learning, 4th Edition (Revised)
P. 198
Where have you been? Where are you now?
And where are you going next?
You are now slightly more than halfway through this course. Now is a good time to assess your self-growth
and your learning. You will shortly be asked to assess your learning skills, but first, use this opportunity to
reflect on your personal growth—where you were, where you are now, and where you’d like to be at the
end of the semester.
Select one of the two options below for your Life Vision Portfolio assignment.
Option 1: Choose two areas that you have worked on since Chapter 2 “Strengthening Identity”: one area
in which you feel you have made great progress and one area in which you would like to make
more progress before the end of the semester.
Now reflect on your progress and your goal. Perform an SII Assessment of each area:
S: What are your strengths in each area? (For example, you may have joined a study group
for math and are doing much better on tests. In sociology, you may have developed the
self-discipline to begin writing papers well ahead of deadlines.)
I: Why have you made more progress in one area than another? (For example, what
improvements can you still make in your math class? And although you’re starting your
papers earlier in your sociology class, why are you still not finishing them until the night
before the deadline?)
I: What are your insights in both areas? Is there any connection between the two? Are
there shared issues at play in both instances?
Option 2: Choose one aspect physical or emotional well-being in which you would like to improve before
the end of the semester. Then answer the following questions:
1. Why have you chosen this area?
2. Assess your initial level of performance in this area.
3. What is your action plan?
4. What is your ideal level of performance in this area? (What would you like to achieve?)
5. How can you use what you have learned in this chapter to grow in this and/or other areas
of personal development?
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