Page 284 - Foundations of Learning, 4th Edition (Revised)
P. 284

The Writing Methodology

The Writing Methodology clarifies the writing process by breaking it down into a series of steps or stages
that can be easily followed. As learn to write confidently in college, it is important not to skip steps in this
methodology. You will find, however, that the steps do not always occur in the exact same order. Steps may
overlap, occur in a different order, or even occur simultaneously. For example, you might be inspired to
truly think on paper and write a quick draft of an essay. You might then find that you have written your way
“into” a thesis statement. Or you might find you have a strong thesis, but are not sure where to go from there.

The Writing Methodology is meant to enhance, not stifle, your writing. So, while using the methodology,
don’t feel you have to put any restrictions on your creativity or individual writing style. Knowing the
methodology works for you may actually help you be more creative.


Step                     Explanation
  1 Prepare for writing
                         Read, write, brainstorm, and participate in classroom activities
                         to form ideas for a writing topic.

2 Identify topic, purpose, and Decide what you will write about, why you are writing about

audience                 this topic, and who your main audience will be.

3 Perform exploratory    Write to expand and develop your ideas without worrying
   writing               about grammar, style, or organization.

4 Compose a thesis       Narrow your topic and write a statement that summarizes the
   statement             ideas you want to discuss.

5 Devise a plan          Organize your ideas through some form of outlining.

  6 Create a draft       Develop your exploratory writing into more crafted sentences
  7 Assess the draft     and paragraphs that fit your overall plan for the essay.
  8 Revise the draft
Step                     Read over your draft and assess where it is strong and where it
                         needs improvement. You may do a peer review at this stage.

                         Reorganize paragraphs, clarify ideas, rephrase sentences.


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