Page 281 - Foundations of Learning, 4th Edition (Revised)
P. 281

“If you want to be a writer, you must do two things above all others: read a lot and write a lot…
             reading is the creative center of a writer’s life…you cannot hope to sweep someone else away

                by the force of your writing until it has been done to you.” Stephen King, American writer


Learning to Write and    Learning to Write and Writing to Learn
   Writing to Learn
                          In Chapter 10, we introduced the idea that, as college students, you are entering
  Introducing Abby        into a conversation. Actually, you are entering into several conversations, in
                          reading, speaking, and writing. Through research and reading, you have a sense
 Contexts for Writing     of what has been and is being said in specific fields or about specific topics. In
                          this chapter we will focus on how you can confidently enter into conversations
 The Writing Process      through writing. As American writer and teacher William Zinsser explains it,
                          “Writing is thinking on paper.” Through out this chapter, this type of thinking
 The Writing Process      is an act you will come to know as the writing process.
                          In the long-ago time before computers, cell phones, iPods, and GPS systems,
  Assessing Writing       the thinking about writing was focused solely on the “product” of a writing
                          assignment: that perfectly composed and perfectly typed essay that you turned
   Rubric: Levels of      in, on time, of course, to your professor. No one talked about how to coax those
         Writing          wonderful ideas in your head onto that blank piece of paper. If you were a literature
                          major, as one of the writers of this textbook was, you read vague and poetic
  Writing in a Major,     pieces about writers sitting under trees, looking at daffodils. Or you read about a
  Field, or Discipline    generation of young Americans finding inspiration by having wildly exciting lives
                          in Europe, and still, somehow, finding time to write. Neither reflecting on daffodils
    LVP: A Creative       nor having a wildly exciting life is a bad thing. It’s just that neither will be much
          Vision          help when you have a five-page
                          essay due in sociology class on
  Activity 11.1           Monday. We can help you there!

      The Writing         As you are beginning to focus
     Methodology          on specific career choices, now
                          is the time to start exploring
  Activity 11.2           what types of writing are typical
                          for the fields in which you’re
Assessing & Revising      interested. Potential types of
                          writing might include reports
  Activity 11.3           for clients, grants for funding, content on a company web site, or project
                          specifications for a consultant. Regardless of the specific type and form of writing
  Interviewing about      you will do professionally, the process of writing involves the interaction between
  Reading & Writing       reading, thinking critically, putting ideas down on paper, and revising those ideas
                          for strength and clarity. The very act of writing promotes and increases learning.
                          Studies have shown that students who write about what they are learning, learn
                          the material more thoroughly and remember it better and longer. Simply writing
                          about a topic can stimulate critical thinking.

                        GLOSSARY argument essay edit peer assessment revise Writing Methodology

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