Page 343 - Foundations of Learning, 4th Edition (Revised)
P. 343
Exploring Team Roles
Learning skills: clarifying expectations, identifying assumptions, checking perceptions
Communication and collaboration skills are essential for success in almost any work environment. Teams
function most effectively when each member not only understands his or her role in the team, but the
purpose of other team roles as well. Communication within the team and among team members is a critical
element of successful collaboration And, is it the rare team project that does not include sharing the end
product of collaborative work with others.
1. Identify and then select team roles which will help your team efficiently explore collaboration.
2. Work as a collaborative team to prepare a presentation.
3. Gain a better understanding of the Communication Methodology and how it can be used to develop
proficiency with the process of communicating.
4. Learn to assess a team’s effectiveness against roles and performance criteria.
Criterion #1: the quality of the team presentation
a. clarifies team roles and their appropriate context
b. shows evidence of creative thinking and team collaboration
c. has strong organization and delivery
Criterion #2: the reports about your team’s performance
a. each member completes an SII assessment that includes at least two strengths, two areas for
improvement, and one insight
b. team synthesizes individual SII assessments in the Team Assessment Form
Chapter 12 — Communication and Teamwork 337