Page 54 - Foundations of Learning, 4th Edition (Revised)
P. 54


      To discuss key highlights, you might choose three or four times in your life that were highlights for
      some reason—the milestones or the simple, joyful times. As you think about these times in your
      life, answer the following to help you discuss these times as key highlights:

      1. Describe the time you are thinking about.
      2. Why is this a key time in your life? Was it because you reached a goal, felt powerful emotions,

           accomplished something important, learned something significant, pleased your parents, felt
           satisfied and happy, etc.?
      3. Has this time had a lasting effect on you—or do you think it will? What is the effect, or why
           do you think it will have a lasting effect on you?
      4. How have these times shaped you as a person? Do you think you would be the person you are
           today if these times had not happened? Why or why not?
      5. In general, what is it about your key highlights that made them so special? Do you see any
           similarities or patterns between the events?
      6. Can you envision making some of the “specialness” of the key highlight days a part of your
           regular life? How so?

  This entry in your LVP should meet the following criteria:
      • it describes several key highlights in your life
      • it demonstrates the significance of your highlights
      • it shows that learning has resulted
      • it shows a synthesis between the highlights
      • it includes a discussion of the future

              Where Do I Go From Here?

                Dreams are the start of your life vision. If you have no idea of where you want to go in life,
                you probably won’t get there.

                           Reflect on the past….

                                    Live in the present….

                                             Plan for the future….

                                                      Assess yourself every step of the way.

                Developing and maintaining a Life Vision Portfolio requires major effort from you, but it
                gives major benefits to you. Become the master of your destiny and empower yourself to
                take control of your life. Make it the best life possible!

48 Foundations of Learning
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