Page 57 - Foundations of Learning, 4th Edition (Revised)
P. 57
Creating Your Life Vision Portfolio
Learning skills: prioritizing, committing to future, defining purpose
You will be using a Life Vision Portfolio throughout this course; chapter prompts will direct you to add
different content to your LVP. The critical first step in using an LVP is actually having one. This activity
will therefore guide you through creating your LVP, in either electronic or paper format.
Criterion #1: (Electronic format) Creation of your LVP
a. file structure mapped out
b. ongoing access to files you create
c. files backed up to electronic media
Criterion #2: (Paper format) Creation of your LVP
a. binder or portfolio available
b. dividers or tabs available to be used for different sections
c. ability to add pages as they are generated
Criterion #3: (Both formats) All content you are instructed to add to your LVP throughout Chapter 2 has
been added
a. LVP Worksheet added
b. LVP Key Highlights content added
1. Select a format for your LVP (electronic files or paper pages).
2. For electronic format, decide what software you will use to generate your content and map out where
and how you will be storing your files.
3. For paper format, decide whether you will use a binder or a portfolio to hold your content.
4. Create your LVP (electronic folder and files or binder/portfolio and pages) before the next class meeting.
5. Add all LVP content generated in Chapter 2 to your portfolio.
6. Write a plan of action for how you will update and add to your LVP throughout this course.
7. Answer the Critical Thinking Questions.
Chapter 2 — Strengthening Identity 51