Page 67 - Foundations of Learning, 4th Edition (Revised)
P. 67

“Nothing is worth reading that does not require an alert mind.”
                                   Charles Dudley Warner, American editor and author


         Reading          Reading

  Introducing Molly        In her 1960 Pulitzer Prize-winning novel To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee
                           introduces us to a six-year-old girl nicknamed Scout, who loves to read. The
         Reading           novel is set in a 1930s Southern town, hard
     Methodology           hit by the Depression. Scout’s father, a
                           lawyer named Atticus Finch, had taught her
        What is a          to read before she went to school. Instead
    Methodology?           of being pleased, her teacher is dismayed
                           because Scout is so far ahead of the other
     Examining the         children. The teacher forbids Scout to read
Reading Methodology        in school—and Scout is heartbroken. Her
                           father promises Scout that she can read all
     Discussion of         she wants at home.
 Methodology Steps
                           Can you relate to this story? Some of you may have spent long summer days
 Using a Reading Log       reading Harry Potter books, eager for the next one to come out. On the other
                           hand, some of you may not read unless required to do so for classes, or feel that
      Note-Taking          you simply do not like to or are not good at reading. You may read more, though,
      and Reading          and more often than you realize. Do you really read less than your parents or
    Comprehension          grandparents or do you just read differently? Think of all the things you have
                           read in the past week: E-mail from friends or someone’s personal blog? An
   LVP: A Life Vision      online news site or an article in a local newspaper? A magazine that focuses on
         Reading           a favorite hobby? A textbook, an assignment handout, or a classmate’s paper as
                           a peer reviewer? The latest installment of a graphic novel?
   Activity 3.1
                           However, like so many other things we do these days, we all tend to read too
 Using a Reading Log       quickly to do it effectively. We skim written communication and half-listen to
                           conversations. However, to become a strong and successful learner, you need to
   Activity 3.2            both read and listen well. This chapter will build on the reading skills you already
                           have, strengthening them so that you can be a confident and successful reader.
Practicing the Reading
     Methodology           The goal of this chapter is to help you learn how to improve your reading and
                           comprehension skills. We will also look at the connection between reading and
   Activity 3.3            writing, two activities that form the foundation of your college education. In a
                           later chapter, Chapter 11, we will explore how professionals write in specific
 Analyzing a Literary      disciplines. We will also explain how understanding specific forms of writing
           Text            will strengthen your reading and writing in your discipline.

                        GLOSSARY methodology Reading Methodology reading log syntax semantics

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