Page 71 - Foundations of Learning, 4th Edition (Revised)
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one for closing out a register. Each will have a preparation stage, followed by a series of steps to complete
the task. All will end with an assessment of what you have done.
The value of a methodology comes not from knowing it, but from applying it on a regular basis. You might
find that you have your own insights into how to make this close out process or methodology more efficient.
Now you are on your way to becoming a mentor for a new store employee!
Examining the Reading Methodology
The Reading Methodology is a valuable tool that you can use to improve reading comprehension. In
addition, there are some general guidelines that you can adapt to various reading situations. If you want to
see improvement in your reading, you should be prepared to practice using the Reading Methodology often
enough to get proficient with it. Realize, however, that not every step is required for all reading contexts.
Trying to use all the steps in the methodology in all contexts can lead to frustration and discourage you from
using the methodology. Initially focus on using the Reading Methodology in academic reading situations
where it is an especially useful and appropriate guide to follow.
Step Action Explanation
1 Establish purpose
2 Set objectives and criteria Determine why you’re reading the material.
3 Estimate time involved
4 Read critically Determine what you want or need to get from the reading.
5 Assess and reread Browse the reading to determine the level of difficulty and
6 Synthesize information how long it will take you to do the reading.
Carefully read and ask questions which involve:
• understanding vocabulary (keep a dictionary nearby to
look up unfamiliar words and write down definitions so
you can refer back to them)
• determining the author’s purpose, intended audience,
and the genre or type of writing as you read
• writing by taking notes and highlighting important pas-
sages, annotating in the margins and marking difficult
• asking questions and forming opinions by jotting down
questions you have, as well as the opinions you form as
you read
Assess your progress. Reread to clarify questions and ensure
that objectives are met.
Integrate new information with your existing knowledge
Chapter 3 — Reading Methodology 65