Page 80 - Foundations of Learning, 4th Edition (Revised)
P. 80

Name Star Performer Paula                                   Reading Log

Book/Title “The Top Medical Breakthroughs                         Outline of Reading
           of 2007” Prevention: January                         including key questions to be answered
           2008: 162-169.
                                                  The article outlines “medical breakthroughs”
Pages 7 short pages                               of 2007, mainly in the areas of cancer,
                                                  osteoarthritis, and strokes. Many of the
Date April 12                                     “breakthroughs” should now be standard
                                                  procedure with a thorough medical check up.
Before reading                                    The underlying message seems to be that we
                                                  should all be advocates for our own health,
My objectives are:                                especially women in the “sandwich” generation,
                                                  who tend to ignore their own health.
 I wanted to see what medical information is
 being disseminated through popular sources,      What are considered medical breakthroughs?
 like Prevention magazine.                        How do some people get their medical
 I thought it would be fun to take a break from   How much is “prevention” stressed in a
 some of the more serious reading I’m doing in    magazine with that name?
 my other classes. I also wanted to see if there  Is there anything I’d like to look into more
 were any breakthroughs I hadn’t heard of yet.    deeply?

 I’d also like to practice reading efficiently.

My performance criteria are:

 Basic knowledge of the medical
 breakthroughs, enough to discuss them
 superficially, at least.

Minutes I expect to spend reading:  20 minutes

First Reading
Notes and observations:

This magazine is written primarily for women, and the breakthroughs highlighted focus on women in
the “sandwich” generation, between children and aging parents.

Lots of promises, but little specific research or timetables.

Key Vocabulary                      Use each key word in a new context or phrase.

                                    I didn’t come across any new vocabulary. It’s a very popular source
                                    and doesn’t include any technical or special terms.

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