Page 81 - Foundations of Learning, 4th Edition (Revised)
P. 81

Second Reading
Two additional inquiry questions that I have are:

1. I wonder how much this kind of popular article influences people’s own health awareness?
2. I also wonder how many of these “breakthroughs” will produce huge profits for the

    pharmaceutical companies?

The most important points of the reading were:

 There seem to be genuinely new preventative tests and treatments for certain cancers, osteoarthritis,
 and stroke patients.

The relationship between the new information and my previous knowledge and experience is:

 I’d like to do a researched essay on how people get their medical information and whether or not this
 makes them more vocal advocates for their own health care.

Assessment of material and effort
I suggest the author make the following change(s) to the material or style of writing (explaining why):

 The writing was fine for a popular audience, and there was a link to the Prevention web site for more
Actual time (minutes) spent reading: About 25 minutes, instead of 20.

The following affected (positively or negatively) the quality of my reading performance:

 Because of the format of several small sections, I skimmed the piece quickly. I did go back to read a
 few sections more carefully, but the article was not challenging enough to engage me very deeply.

Instructor   Strengths:    Reading objectives: These were clear, compelling, and transferable to other reading
   Feedback                situations.
             Areas for
             Improvement:  Connecting with prior knowledge: Strive to make your reading summary more
                           concrete and memorable by weaving in some of your prior knowledge of tests, treat-
             Insights:     ments, and conditions.

                           Tool customization: The different sections of the reading log are prompts for critical
                           thinking; some of these will be more powerful triggers for a particular reading and it
                           is appropriate to invest more time responding to these.

                           PROCEED TO ACTIVITY 3.1 (page 83)

Chapter 3 — Reading Methodology                               75
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