Page 76 - Foundations of Learning, 4th Edition (Revised)
P. 76

A Second Example of Using the Reading Methodology

Scenario: Molly’s Political Science professor has given his students the assignment of reading a daily
newspaper, either online or in print. He suggested that students look for an article that relates not only to
issues they’re learning about in class, but also to their daily life. He enjoys beginning each class with a
spirited discussion of what students have found and Molly knows that in order to participate, she’ll have to
understand the stories she’s reading. She is going to use the Reading Methodology to help her as she reads.

Here’s an example of how Molly
applies the Reading Methodology:

Step Action                      Molly’s Notes
  1 Establish purpose
  2 Set objectives and criteria  I will gain information about local, national, and world
  3 Estimate time involved       events that connect with my class and my life.
  4 Read critically
                                 I‛ll read one article completely.
  5 Assess and reread
  6 Synthesize information       The professor said the task should only take fifteen
                                 minutes. I‛ll skim the main section of the paper to select
                                 which articles are of most interest to me.

                                 I will begin reading an article on health care legislation.

                                     • I have a dictionary so that I can look up unfamiliar
                                          words as I read.

                                     • It looks like the author‛s purpose is to argue
                                          against certain proposed laws, rather than just to
                                          provide information. I can see that this purpose
                                          really does influence the presentation of the

                                     • The article didn‛t say much about student health
                                          coverage, and I really don‛t know much at all
                                          about the plan I have, but I‛m making a list of
                                          questions I need to ask about my coverage.

                                 I‛ll glance back over the article to reacquaint myself
                                 with some of the basic facts and to check my initial
                                 feeling that the author had a specific purpose other
                                 than just sharing information.

                                 I plan to learn more about my own health care coverage
                                 and want to discuss how pending legislation could affect
                                 certain aspects of student healthcare coverage in

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