Page 170 - Foundations of Learning, 4th Edition (Revised)
P. 170
3. Create a team glossary. Use the suggested resources to define the terms in your team’s vocabulary list.
Create a document using a word processor that contains your team’s definitions. Save your work and
print a copy.
4. Create a team quiz. Use a word processor to create a quiz that tests the basic understanding of the
terms you have defined. Use any of the following test formats (or some combination, if you prefer):
matching, true-false, multiple choice, and/or sentence completion. Save your work.
5. Create a class glossary. Combine the files containing definitions from all the teams into one large vocabu-
lary file or glossary. Print the file so that each team or individual has a copy of the entire glossary.
6. Create a class vocabulary quiz. Submit the quiz files to your instructor who will create a vocabulary
quiz for the class to take at a determined time.
Vocabulary List
academic advisor credit hour grants registrar
academic probation curriculum higher education retention
residence hall
accreditation Dean humanities sabbatical
add/drop Dean’s list independent study semester system
senior (standing)
adjunct faculty degree program junior (standing) social sciences
Associate’s Degree department liberal arts sorority
Associate Professor dissertation lower division technical school
Bachelors Degree Doctoral Degree major thesis
bursar electives Master’s Degree transfer credit
catalog or bulletin exchange program matriculate upper division
chancellor extracurricular mentor
CLEP faculty minor
coeducational final exams orientation
college financial aid pass/fail
commencement fraternity plagiarism
community college freshman pre-registration
continuing education full-time student prerequisite
cooperative education general education professional degree
core curriculum GPA Professor
course number graduate school quarter system
164 Foundations of Learning