Page 183 - Foundations of Learning, 4th Edition (Revised)
P. 183
Personal Development Methodology
“Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.”
Will Rogers, Cherokee humorist and philosopher
The preceding list gives an idea of what a fully developed self-grower looks like. You may agree that these
qualities are admirable, but still be asking yourself how a person becomes a self-grower. This is where
the Personal Development Methodology comes in. This methodology, as one educator explains it, is “a
framework for people who are committed to their own growth,” allowing them to address problems and
limitations in “practical ways” (Leise, 2007). You’ve become quite an expert in using methodologies by this
point in the book, having applied the Reading Methodology, the Learning Process Methodology, and the
Problem Solving Methodology. All of these methodologies are foundations for your success as a learner.
The Personal Development Methodology is a foundation for your own self-growth.
The Personal Development Methodology (PDM) begins, naturally, with self-assessment. In order to grow
and change, we must acknowledge the need for this growth and change. Based on the assessment of your
own situation, you will proceed through this methodology in your own unique way. This is a methodology
you can use over and over again in all areas of your life.
Step Explanation
1 Recognize the need for
Current limitation or constraints require some action or
change and growth decision.
2 Explore contextual issues
3 Prioritize based on values Assess the current situation, resources, priorities, and barriers.
4 State clear outcomes
5 Develop a plan Decide what is important to you.
6 Perform to the plan as set Set goals with outcome criteria.
7 Assess performance
8 Adjust the plan Create a plan which includes defined activities and time
9 Appreciate gains
Execute the planned steps or actions.
10 Reward achievement
Monitor progress towards objectives.
Assess, during activities, on the basis of criteria, measuring
progress, and making adjustments accordingly.
Evaluate criteria during activities, measuring progress, and
make adjustments accordingly.
Motivate yourself for future success.
Chapter 7 — Addressing Personal Obstacles 177