Page 204 - Foundations of Learning, 4th Edition (Revised)
P. 204

Continuum of Performance Levels

             Knowledge             Social Interactions    Attitude              Abilities

 Level 5       Can construct       Create movements        Control their            Have highly
                 and modify        and organizations       destiny; also        developed learning
     Star                          that often become        can control
Performers     models; valued      self-perpetuating      their emotions            and research
             and respected by                             in challenging        abilities that enable
             experts in the field
                                                             situations            them to excel

Level 4      Are able to add to    Use relationships          Seek greater      Able to cultivate
             the knowledge in        effectively to         challenges and      new abilities in
  Self-                                                    responsibilities to  unfamiliar areas
Starters      their discipline     attain success for     perform at a higher
                                   themselves and            level; push the
                                                          boundaries of their
                                         others           own performance

  Level 3    Use their problem-    Are positive people    React to challenges    Are able to learn
              solving, learning,   whom others enjoy         with improved       from how other
Responsive   and thinking skills    and want to have          performance       people function in
Individuals   to improve their                                 rather than       a particular area
             performance and          on their teams
             get higher-quality                           complaints, feeling
                                                           good about their
                    results                                accomplishments

 Level 2      Are satisfied with     Interact freely       Feel like a cog in      Have enough
             their modest levels    with family and         the machinery,        critical thinking
  Content    of effort in gaining  friends, but do not     doing little more
Individuals                        seek more diverse                                and analytic
                 knowledge                                    than what is      abilities to perform
                                      contacts and        asked, feeling their
                                   more challenging        contributions are      some problem-
                                                          not very significant         solving

 Level 1      Try to minimize       Limit their social    Feel that whatever         Must have
             or avoid the effort   interactions to like-   they do will have    explicitly defined
   Static                          minded individuals      little impact, that  rules, procedures
Individuals   needed to gain                              most things are not   and policies; need
                 knowledge            who complain          worth the effort    to be prompted to
                                    about what they                              finish something
                                   are not getting out

                                           of life

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