Page 27 - Foundations of Learning, 4th Edition (Revised)
P. 27
Star Performance for a Learner
Throughout the rest of this book, we will work to help you improve your performance as a learner. In the
list below, you will see the characteristics of a high quality learner and which chapters will focus on each
of those characteristics.
Chapter High Quality Learners...
2 Strengthening Exhibit learner ownership, taking responsibility for the learning process and their own
Identity learning. They also make educational, career, and personal goals and plans through a Life
Vision Portfolio.
3 Reading Use the Reading Methodology to capture all the meaning as they read, including new ideas
Methodology and vocabulary. They summarize, analyze, and integrate what they’ve read.
4 Learning Focus on improving and developing their learning skills by modeling the learning process.
to Learn They also understand their own learning styles and use them effectively to increase their
level of learning.
5 Problem Are strong problem solvers and able to visualize, model, transfer, and synthesize concepts.
Solving Skills They demonstrate interest, motivation, and desire to seek out new information, concepts,
and challenges so they can apply them to new situations and problems.
6 Context of Are aware of the environment in which they are working and learning and are able to use
Performance elements of that environment to their advantage. They have a vision for their life and can
articulate goals and objectives with measurable outcomes in various areas of their lives.
7 Addressing
Personal Are willing to take risks and experiment; they are secure in their emotions and can accept
Obstacles failure as a productive event on the road to success. Additionally, they use their self-esteem
and self-confidence to successfully meet new and challenging learning situations, building
8 Living in the upon successes to improve future performance.
Age Make regular use of appropriate tools and technologies and invest in learning new ones.
They also understand how to use the Information Processing Methodology and have strong
information processing skills.
9 Time Are able to manage time effectively, prioritizing tasks in a way that supports success in
Management achieving short- and long-term educational and life goals.
10 Finding and Access information quickly and are able to distinguish relevant from irrelevant information.
Working with They also understand the principles of academic honesty and correctly document all
Sources researched information.
11 Writing in Understand how to use the Writing Methodology for college assignments. Additionally, they
College clarify, validate, and assess their understanding of a concept through verbal and written
12 Communication Demonstrate strong social skills, easily interact with other people, and are valued members
and Teamwork of productive teams.
13 Assessment Are proficient at the process of assessment and seek to continually develop their self-
for Self- assessment skills.
Chapter 1 — Improving Performance 21