Page 278 - Foundations of Learning, 4th Edition (Revised)
P. 278
1. Form teams of four or five people.
2. Read the case study describing a team research project before you begin your team research plan.
3. Choose a topic of interest to all team members that could potentially be researched in a short amount
of time (two to three days).
4. Working as a team, decide upon what points of view, research, sources, and information creating a
team presentation (such as done in the case study) on the topic your team has selected might involve.
5. Partition the research that would need to be accomplished among members of your team. Each member
should then give consideration to how he or she would go about conducting their research.
6. The team should then create a research plan that addresses the following:
• what topic the team selected
• what research would be done
• which individuals would conduct what research
• special considerations for any aspect of the research an individual might have (such as
evaluating the credibility of sources if a team member was assigned to potentially conduct
online research)
• how each individual’s research could contribute to creating a strong final presentation
7. The team should submit their research plan to the instructor, who can potentially require that teams
assess one another’s research plan.
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