Page 391 - Foundations of Learning, 4th Edition (Revised)
P. 391

Level 3: Responsive Rene

Rene has kept his spot on the Dean’s List. He never did get very excited about his economics
class, but he found that using the Reading Methodology helped him understand and retain
information more consistently. He did really well in his IT classes. Much to his surprise, he
also did very well in his English class, not one of his favorites in high school. Rene feels that
he now knows how to learn better, and he better understands the contexts for learning. He used
to be focused only on grades; now he focuses on learning. And he has made good friends, who
will be there next semester. They have already made their first pizza and study group date!

       Rene writes: “At the beginning of this semester, I was a pretty positive guy.
       I liked being around people and always found I could learn something from
       how they acted in situations. I didn’t feel I was a true self-starter then—but I
       do now. I’m a Level 4, for sure! I know I can stay on the Dean’s List, but I also
       feel that my goal is now to really learn, not just get the grades. I was always
       just a little afraid to step out of my comfort zone, but that has changed.
       Being in the unfamiliar world of college gave me the confidence I need
       to cultivate new skills. Hey, I even did well in English. I might even read a
       novel or do some writing of my own over the semester break.“

          Level 2: Content Connie

           Connie still isn’t sure why she’s in college. She made some new friends who are more into
            school than she is, and she did pretty well in some of her classes. One of Connie’s friends
             is going into the respiratory therapist program; Connie is thinking about that now. She
              likes people and she does like to be helpful, but there is a lot of science in that program.

              Connie has another friend who’s going into marketing; that may be closer to her interests.
             Connie has realized that if she plans to stay in school, she might as well study a bit.

           Connie writes: “I may be at a Level 3 now, but I’m not really sure. I’m a
          pretty laid back and positive person, and I’ve made lots of new friends at
          college. I did watch how other people studied and did homework, and I
          think that helped me. And I was pretty happy about getting the B’s I got
          this semester. I learned more about myself—I guess I did become a better
          problem solver. I even found out that I liked doing more stuff on the computer
          than just Facebook©. Although that’s still a cool way to keep in touch with
          all my friends from the Florida trip!”

Level 1:  Static Steve

Steve promised his parents he’d stay in school a while longer, and he’s a little bit more into it—but not
a great deal. He has found a few new friends who are also into music and his band did play at a student
picnic. Steve has heard a couple of the music teachers are cool, so he’ll probably take some music classes
next semester. He found a job on campus, too, working in the bookstore. Steve knows his band is not likely

Chapter 14 — Continuing the Journey...                                                             385
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