Page 399 - Foundations of Learning, 4th Edition (Revised)
P. 399
Outline of the self-growth paper:
Unless your instructor requires a different structure for this paper, the following structure should be used.
The introduction should include the five learning skills you chose in Chapter 1 and your reasons for
choosing them. What is your overall perspective on those choices, going into this final assessment?
Assessment design:
Use what you learned in Chapter 13 about designing assessments and building criteria lists. For each
learning skill you will be assessing, include the criteria, attributes, and scales (scales may not always
be applicable).
Be sure to discuss any breakthroughs in personal growth. These will be key elements of your future goals.
Body of the paper:
Apply your assessment design to the five skills you have chosen and complete an SII Self-Assessment
of those skills.
Conclusion/final summary:
Include any insights you have about the skills and the assessment process. You may want to answer
some or all of the following questions: How do you now feel about your ability to self-assess? How do
these learning skills relate to each other? How do you feel about your growth in these skills and your
ability to grow in other areas in the future?
Don’t forget to draw up your “map” for the future. Where do you go from here?
Chapter 14 — Continuing the Journey... 393