Page 405 - Foundations of Learning, 4th Edition (Revised)
P. 405

    a means in measurement for determining the quality or quantity of evidence

    a plan that shows the time, order, and sometimes duration of tasks or engagements

secondary source
    a work that interprets or analyzes information that appears elsewhere (contrast with primary source; an
    example of a secondary source might be, Stating the Obvious But Still Missing the Point: An Analysis
    of Little Red Riding Hood, by John Wolf, Jr.)

    to fully realize one’s potential

    assessing one’s own progress and performance by thinking critically about it for the purpose of growth

    having developed strong performance/learning skills, self-growers continually use strong self-assessment
    skills to improve future performance

    the study of meaning in language

SII Assessment
    a method of recording and reporting assessment findings which includes a description of the strengths
    of the performance (including why these are strengths), the areas in which the performance may be
    improved (including how to implement improvement), and insights for application in other settings

    a smaller problem that is contained within a larger problem and may be modeled or solved somewhat
    independently, with its solution contributing to the solution of the larger problem

    the grammatical structure of a language

    relating to the sense of touch

    a piece of work (often that must be finished within a set amount of time)

    the joint action by a group of people in which individual interests become secondary to the achievement
    of group goals, unity and efficiency

    the technical or special terms used in a field of study

    a condition where immediate attention is required

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