Page 415 - Foundations of Learning, 4th Edition (Revised)
P. 415

Reflect on personal life issues—See Life Vision Portfolio:    Spokesperson—See Teamwork: team roles
        potential components                                 Spy—See Teamwork: team roles
                                                             Star Performer Paula 19, 71, 74, 79, 185, 217, 384
Reflector—See Teamwork: team roles                            Star performers 18, 198
Rene 19, 40, 153, 155, 185, 217, 289, 385                    Static individuals 18, 198
                                                             Static Steve 19, 217, 385
  introduction to 150                                        Steve 19, 217, 289, 385, 386
Research 254—See also Levels of learner knowledge            Stress 187
                                                             Structure of a chapter 5
  top ten tips for researching 255                           Structure of a learning activity 8
Responsibilities and challenges facing college students 41   Structure of this book 4
Responsive individuals 18, 198                               Student centers 159
Responsive Rene 19, 40, 185, 217, 218, 385                   Student handbook 151
Resume—See Life Vision Portfolio: potential components       Student profile 5
Risk-taking 189                                              Success, responding to 188
Role model exploration—See Life Vision Portfolio: potential  Support systems and services 42–43, 158
                                                             Synthesis paper—See Life Vision Portfolio: potential
Rubric 3                                                             components

  Continuum of Performance Levels 18                         T
  Performance Levels for an Assessment 184
  Performance Levels for an Assessor 364                     Taking an interest in others 2, 403—See also Learning
  Performance Levels for Listening 216                               skills: focused upon in Foundations of Learning
  Performance Levels for Oral Communication 329
  Performance Levels for Writing 288                         Taxonomy 102
                                                             Team research plan 271
S                                                            Teamwork 313

Sam 19, 185, 217, 289, 313–314, 318, 320, 324–                 examples of team interventions 321
       326, 331–332, 335, 384                                  process 318
                                                               profile of a strong team player 315
Sandra 178–182, 191, 313, 314, 318–320, 324–                   skills 314
       326, 331–334                                            team roles 316–317
                                                             Technology Specialist—See Teamwork: team roles
  introduction to 175                                        Testing services 159
Scales 362                                                   Time analysis—See Life Vision Portfolio: potential
Scavenger hunt (through 220
Schedule 234—See Time management                                     components
Secondary sources 255                                        Timekeeper—See Teamwork: team roles
Selecting a mentor 180                                       Time management 4, 21, 38, 231, 236, 238, 240,
Self-analysis—See Life Vision Portfolio: potential
                                                                    243, 245
        components                                             Action Priority Matrix 238
Self-assessment 355                                            obstacles to 240–243
Self-grower                                                    Time Management Matrix 236
                                                             To Kill a Mockingbird (Harper Lee) 61
  characteristics of a 176                                   Top ten tips for students entering college 43
  key criteria for assessing a 199                           Transferring 2, 124, 402—See also Learning skills:
Self-growth paper 387
Self-learner 105                                                     focused upon in Foundations of Learning
Self-starters 18, 198                                        Transition to college 41
Self-Starter Sam 19, 185, 217
SII Method of Assessment 3, 183                              U
SII self-assessment 23, 49, 81, 110, 138, 162, 195, 22
                                                             Uniform Resource Locator (URL) 257
       2, 244, 266, 292, 297, 336, 340, 366                  Using a help system 220
Skeptic—See Teamwork: team roles                             Using prior knowledge 2, 124, 402—See also Learning
Skills—See Performance Model: components that interact to
                                                                     skills: focused upon in Foundations of Learning
       establish level of performance; See Learning skills   Using technology—See Structure of a learning activity
Skimming—See Note-taking
Sleep 187
Social Domain 2, 77, 401, 403

Appendix C: Index                                            409
   410   411   412   413   414   415   416