Page 413 - Foundations of Learning, 4th Edition (Revised)
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Information processing (continued)                          Learning Process Methodology iii, 3, 8, 97, 98, 104, 10
    Brainstorming 214                                              5, 106, 107, 108, 111, 112, 117, 118, 120,
    Memorizing 219                                                 121, 177, 219, 397

Information Processing Methodology 210                       examples 107, 108
  discussion of steps 211                                     overview 105
  example 213                                               Learning skills 2, 16, 401, 404
                                                              focused upon in Foundations of Learning 2
Inquiring 2—See also Learning skills: focused upon in       Learning styles 98, 102
        Foundations of Learning                               making your learning style work for you 101
                                                            Lecture—See College learning environments
Intelligence 102                                            Legacy or “rocking chair analysis”—See Life Vision
Interactive lecture—See College learning environments
International Journal of Process Education 68                       Portfolio: potential components
International studies 159                                   Levels of learner knowledge 103
Internet 42, 76, 99, 207, 209, 211, 213, 221, 253,          Levels of learning 102
                                                            Levels of performance 17
       255, 256–258, 260, 262                               Library 41, 42, 208, 211, 213, 219, 255
Internet citation programs 261                              Life goals 149, 151
Internet sources 256                                        Life vision

  dissecting 256                                              criteria 38
  evaluating the quality of 256                             Life Vision Portfolio 6, 33, 34, 35, 36, 38, 39, 47,
  Internet Source Credibility Scoring Tool 260
Interpreting 2, 124, 402—See also Learning skills: focused         51, 79, 123, 154, 192, 221, 264, 291, 243
                                                              assignments 38
        upon in Foundations of Learning                       creating a 51
Intervention 320                                              criteria for 38
Interviews 38, 149, 154                                       factors that promote commitment to 35
Intramural activities 159                                     potential components 36
                                                            Life Vision Worksheet 39, 40
J                                                             examples 40
                                                            Lindsey 259, 265, 273, 295
Jennifer 15, 17, 20, 68, 313, 318–320, 325–327,               introduction to 253
        331–334                                             Listening—See Active listening
                                                            Listening to self 2, 404—See also Learning skills: focused
  introduction to 12
  Reading Methodology example 68                                    upon in Foundations of Learning
John 34, 39, 43, 45, 295
  introduction to 33                                        M
Journal writing 46
                                                            Major Requirements Table (blank) 173
K                                                           Managing resources 2, 124, 404—See also Learning skills:

Ken 100, 104, 108, 112, 295, 313–314, 319,                          focused upon in Foundations of Learning
       324–326, 331–334                                     Master’s degree 157, 164
                                                            Meaning of life—See Life Vision Portfolio: potential
  introduction to 97
Key highlights 47                                                   components
Kinesthetic/tactile learners—See also Learning styles       Measurement 352
                                                            Memorizing 219
  strategies for 101                                        Mentor 36
Knowledge—See Performance Model: components that            Methodologies

        interact to establish level of performance            Assessment Methodology 357
  compared to Information 209                                 Communication Methodology 323
                                                              Information Processing Methodology 210
L                                                             Learning Process Methodology 106
                                                              Personal Development Methodology 177
Laboratory—See College learning environments                  Problem Solving Methodology 128
Language development skills 63                                Reading Methodology 65
Learner                                                       Writing Methodology 278

  profile for a high quality learner 21
Learning a new tool 219
Learning objectives 5, 8

Appendix C: Index                                           407
   408   409   410   411   412   413   414   415   416