Page 411 - Foundations of Learning, 4th Edition (Revised)
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APPENDIX C: INDEX Believing in oneself 2, 404—See also Learning skills:
focused upon in Foundations of Learning
Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives 102, 401
Abby 279–282, 284–287, 291, 308–310 Brainstorming 214—See also Information processing:
introduction to 276
highlighted skills
ABC List 235
Academic advising services 158 C
Academic goals 151
Academic honesty 261 Campus ministries 159
Academic services 158 Campus security 159
Active listening 215—See also Information processing: Captain—See Teamwork: team roles
Career and placement services 158
highlighted skills Career plan—See Life Vision Portfolio: potential
criteria that affect the quality of 215
rubric 216 components
Case study—See Structure of a learning activity
Levels in Action 217 Checking perceptions 2, 403—See also Learning skills:
Activities college freshmen engaged in during the past year
focused upon in Foundations of Learning
42 Child care services 159
Affective Domain 2, 77, 401, 404 Clarifying expectations 2, 124, 402—See also Learning
Alcohol and substance abuse
skills: focused upon in Foundations of Learning
web information 187 Classification of Learning Skills
Application—See Levels of learner knowledge
Assessment 3, 351, 352 iv, 62, 77, 188, 311, 401
Cognitive Domain 2, 77, 401, 402
assessor Collaborating 2, 17, 124, 403—See also Learning skills:
rubric 364
focused upon in Foundations of Learning
attributes 362 Collaborative learning 3—See also Teamwork
criteria 359, 362 College learning environments 160
example of designing and using an assessment 363 Committing to future 2—See also Learning skills: focused
profile of a high-quality assessor 355
rubric 184 upon in Foundations of Learning
levels in action 185
scales 362 communication as performance 311
self-assessment 355 oral communication
SII Method of Assessment 183
skills 354 rubric 329
Assessment Methodology 357 skills 322
discussion of steps 358 Communication Methodology 323
Associate’s degree 157, 164 discussion of steps 324
Athlete of learning 1 Conceptual understanding—See Levels of learner knowledge
Attending 2, 403—See also Learning skills: focused upon Confidence 122
Conflict Resolver—See Teamwork: team roles
in Foundations of Learning Connie 19, 40, 185, 217, 385
Attributes 362 Content Connie 19, 40, 185, 217, 385
Auditory learners—See also Learning styles Content individuals 18, 198
context—See Performance Model: components that interact
strategies for 101
to establish level of performance
B Continuum of performance levels 11, 18, 20
Cooperative learning—See College learning environments
Bachelor’s degree 157 Coping 190
Being curious 2, 124, 404—See also Learning skills:
stages of the coping process 190
focused upon in Foundations of Learning Counseling services 158
Being non-judgmental 2, 403—See also Learning skills:
focused upon in Foundations of Learning
Appendix C: Index 405