Page 414 - Foundations of Learning, 4th Edition (Revised)
P. 414

Mnemonics 219                                                 Pre-assessment—See Life Vision Portfolio: potential
Molly 70, 71                                                          components

  introduction to 62                                          Presentation
  Reading Log example 72                                        components 326
  Reading Methodology example 70                                tips for delivering a 328
Multiple intelligences 102
                                                              Primary sources 255
N                                                             Prioritizing 2, 124, 231, 404, 234—See also Learning

Note-taking 76                                                        skills: focused upon in Foundations of Learning
Nutrition 186                                                 Prior knowledge 2, 62, 75, 105, 124, 126, 134
                                                              Problem 122
O                                                             Problem-Based Learning (PBL) 68
                                                              Problem solver
Objectivity 355
Observing 2, 17, 124, 402—See also Learning skills:             profile of a strong 126
                                                              Problem solving 122
        focused upon in Foundations of Learning
Observing self 2, 404—See also Learning skills: focused         assessing 134
                                                                skills 124
        upon in Foundations of Learning                       Problem Solving Methodology 128
Ojibwe 121                                                      case study 140
Online resources 10                                             discussion of steps 130
On the Road (Jack Kerouac) 121                                 examples 129, 132, 135
Optimist—See Teamwork: team roles                             Process Education ii, 1, 2, 68, 77, 103, 389, 398
Oral communication                                            Processes 1, 3, 77
                                                              Processing life’s difficulties—See Life Vision Portfolio:
  rubric 329
Outlining 77—See also Note-taking; See also Learning                  potential components
                                                              Procrastination 241—See also Time management
        skills: focused upon in Foundations of Learning
                                                                reasons for 242–243
P                                                             Profiles

Passion exploration—See Life Vision Portfolio: potential        first-year student, activities 42
        components                                              high-quality assessor 355
                                                                high-quality learner 21
Paula 19, 71, 185, 217, 289, 384                                self-grower 176
  Life Vision Portfolio sample entry 80                         strong problem solver 126
  Reading Log example 74                                        strong team player 315
                                                              Proofreading 279
Perfectionism 243—See also Time management                    Public health and disease
Performance                                                     web information 187

  rubric 18                                                   R
  theory of performance 14
Performance criteria 8                                        Reading 61
Performance Model 14                                          Reading comprehension 61, 76
  components that interact to establish level of performance  Reading Log 71, 83

        14                                                      blank form 85
Persisting 2, 124, 404—See also Learning skills: focused        sample

        upon in Foundations of Learning                           by Molly 72
Personal Development Methodology 177                              by Paula 74
                                                              Reading Log Assessment Form (blank) 87
  discussion of steps 178                                     Reading Methodology 3, 63, 65, 66, 70, 71, 121
  example 202                                                   discussion of steps 66
Personal factors—See Performance Model: components that        example of using 68, 70
                                                              Recorder—See Teamwork: team roles
        interact to establish level of performance            Recording 2, 402—See also Learning skills: focused upon
Personality inventory tests—See Life Vision Portfolio:
                                                                      in Foundations of Learning
        potential components
Plan—See Structure of a learning activity
Planner—See Teamwork: team roles

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